Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Elusive Silver Tattoo Ink

Ink colors - Metallic ?

Posted by electricbluetoad from IP: on 01/14/10

I have been doing a little research into the reality of metallic or silver non-toxic ink. There is a substance called Conductive ink that is a safe metallic ink used on the body to conduct electricity. Some of these inks have a 71 percent dissolved or micro-solids of silver with a small amount of carbon in them. These inks modified may be the silver tattoo ink of the future.

These inks would be virtually harmless to the human body, with only a couple of safety precautions to be observed. The most common is a symptom of overdose turning the skin blue over the entire body when too much silver is absorbed into the body.

The use of colloidal silver as a matrix for the micro-fine silver particles may prove an effective medium for silver ink applications. I will let you know, as I had this strangely vivid dream last night that I got this tattoo of Excalibur down the length of my entire arm that had totally metallic chrome look to it, and it peeled off in a solid metallic foil, leaving a silver satin sheen just under the skin. I was so excited, then I woke up. Bummer. But it defiantly got my interest peaked, to say the least!

If one could find or make there own micro-fine silver powder, and carefully formulate an ink using various silver compounds, I believe it could be the fabled "Silver Ink" that everyone seems to want to find, the veritable 'Holy Grail', the 'Ink of Inks', the 'Sonum Bonum ' of Skin Alchemy. (Of course, I will test it on myself first!)
Check out the links and let me know what you think. Am I crazy, or not?
Rick Wilding
Milk of Paradise Tattoo

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you might know… is there metallic tattoo ink, that's not necessarily conductive… or, if it is… is being conductive dangerous?

    I want a tattoo (of gears) that simulates silver and brass and it would be amazing if the ink could contain real metal.
